HA-1 Princess Vrísa Vishétru of Saá Allaqi

Sculpted by John Winter.
This figure is our first "Unlimited Edition" reward figure.
Special "Reward" Pricing:
Nakome (non-member) $12;
Molkar $2;
HA-2 General Kettukal $6.00
The blue is not quite right, but there you go.
(I should have used more of a Royal Blue colour).
HA-3 Baron Ald $6.00
HA-4 Lord Fu'i Shi NA
HA-5 Mihalli NA
HA-6 Lady Déq Dimáni $6.00 <<< Available NOW
HA-7 General Karin Missúm NA
HA-8 Lord Khariháya NA
HA-9 Governor of Tumíssa NA
HA-10 Lord Freshsháyu hiTurukén, Kérdu of the Legion of the City of Chrí $6.00