TTP SHOP - 28mm Scale Miniatures for Tekumel

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Dháru and Vánu in stock!

Excerpt from the Swords & Glory Map 2

Just a quick note to say that I have received stocks [again] of the new Dháru and Vánu figures mentioned in my last post. Tomorrow I will be sorting them into packs. About 800 figures into about 80 packs. These will be "horde" packs only as I am still sorting out the command; by "sorting out", in this case, I mean: "getting them sculpted and cast". The swordsman packs are also missing their shields, which are still in the moulding queue. I will send them on later to anyone who buys a pack.

The Gurék of the Clan of the Red and Green Banner of Dháru
AE-YK   35   Horde (MI Halberds)   $40 CAD
AE-YK   37   Horde (Crossbows)   $40 CAD

AE-YK 35 & 40 Halberds

AE-YK 37 Crossbows

The Gurék of the City of Vánu
AE-YK   40   Horde (HI Halberds)   $40 CAD
AE-YK   42   Horde (MI Sword and Javelin)   $40 CAD
AE-YK   44   Horde (Bows)   $40 CAD

AE-YK 42 Swords

AE-YK 44 Bows

Tekumel Club discounts apply, of course.

As always, a Horde will consist of a mix of 10 figures, either swordsmen, halberdiers, archers or with crossbows. Note that there are male and female poses. I usually do 2/3rds male, 1/3 female but can vary an order to suit.

Monday, November 5, 2018

NEW RELEASE PENDING: Dháru and Vánu Guréks for Yan Kor

Dharu and Vanu troopers (on left)

The figures shown above, representing male and female fighters from the cities of Dháru and Vánu in Northern Yan Kor have finally been moulded and are ready for production. Command are still being worked on, but the following are available to pre-order:

The Gurék of the Clan of the Red and Green Banner of Dháru
AE-YK   35   Horde (MI Halberds)   $40 CAD
AE-YK   37   Horde (Crossbows)   $40 CAD
The Gurék of the City of Vánu
AE-YK   40   Horde (HI Halberds)   $40 CAD
AE-YK   42   Horde (MI Sword and Javelin)   $40 CAD
AE-YK   44   Horde (Bows)   $40 CAD

Tekumel Club discounts apply, of course.

As always, a Horde will consist of a mix of 10 figures, either swordsmen, halberdiers, archers or with crossbows. Note that there are male and female poses. I usually do 2/3rds male, 1/3 female but can vary an order to suit.

I still have to pay for the moulding and casting - Master moulds and figures, Production moulds, inc. weapons, accessories (scabbards, quivers), and shields. And I have to pay for any castings ordered. The sculpting costs were paid long ago, thankfully.

An Appeal for Pre-Orders:

Please pre-order these now, or soon, if you are interested. 

I should have some castings on hand by the weekend and more coming by mail shortly thereafter. But I won't be able to order many castings without pre-orders, not right away at least.

Thank You!

Howard Fielding

Monday, June 25, 2018

One Hundred and Fifty First!

Next Sunday will be Canada's one hundred and fifty-first birthday and to celebrate the event I am making permanent a change I tried earlier this year. Namely, that the prices on Tekumel Project figures are now be stated in Canadian Dollars.

Note that the prices have not changed - just read CAD instead of USD.

And the prices for David Allan Designs will still be USD. This is because I have to import them.

Otherwise customers in countries with a good exchange rate will enjoy a nice savings, and my Canadian customers will finally stop being penalized.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Unamoured Ahoggya Status Change!

Status Change from: "In Stock" to "Sold Out"!

My source for resin bodies is no longer available, being swamped under his own work. I might resort to selling the Ahoggya as metal kits with separate legs.

I still have stock of the armoured bodies.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Don't Forget...

Smiley says "Hi!"

The Sale applies to Tekumel Club Memberships as well as, $50 CDN instead of the usual $50 US!

And remember, Tekumel Club membership gives you 40% off our products (but not the DAD stuff.)

The sale will run through the Easter week-end, ending roundabout the time I check my emails Tuesday Morning...

...who knows, I may sleep in that day... ;-)

Also, I am issuing a "raincheck" to anyone who buys a new membership or renews their old one*: get the sale prices on your first order whenever it is during 2018.

So now you can all have a relaxing Easter weekend! :-)

* or just ask! :-)

Friday, March 2, 2018

It's Canadian, Eh!

Bob and Doug McKenzie

A Spring Madness Sale:   EXTENDED UNTIL MARCH 12th - 10 DAY


From now until midnight, March 5th 12th 31st all in stock items are for sale in Canadian dollars instead of the usual USD!

I just took a sampling of exchange rates:

1 CDN = 0.63 Euro

1 CDN = 0.78 USD

1 CDN = 0.56 GBP

1 CDN = 1 AUD

Tekumel Club Discounts will apply.

I reserve the right to limit quantities. 

Postage will stay the usual, only in CDN, of course. That is: 20% of total order, with the following minimum charge: 
Canada and the USA - $10
Rest of the World - $15

Note that the D.A.D. products, Ever-Present Glory and Serqu are too low stock and are excluded from this sale.

Any questions, please email me at:

Payment via PayPal to the above email address.