TTP SHOP - 28mm Scale Miniatures for Tekumel

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Swamp Folk!

The "unboxing"...

Scale Comparison...

Ready to man any vessel you command...

A box was at the post office yesterday when I checked at lunchtime. Rushing back to the office I opened it to see some 600 Swamp Folk glaring up at me. Resin figures, originally sculpted by Ian Mountain.

They are gradually being brought into the shop. I have to sort out the codes as I see I am still showing the old system. You can use those codes if you want. I also modified the price. I had a sit down and worked out all the costs and discovered that the price I had intended to use would have meant I was pretty much just giving figures to people at pretty much my cost. Somehow I don't think that is how a business is supposed to work. I mean, I understand the concept of the "loss leader" but 1) that can't apply to everything you sell and 2) I think one wants a considerably higher sales volume than I am ever likely to achieve to get into things like that. :-)

You can find the Swamp Folk in the Palace of the Realm - one of the links in the sidebar to your right...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Postage Increases - Effective Sept 1st/2015

Due to the mounting costs of sending packages outside of Canada, especially when sending things Air Mail I have been forced to scrap the flat fee postage rate I have been using.

Starting September 1st/2015 postage will be charged at 20% of total order, with the following minimum charge:     (Revised again Sept 11/2015)

Canada and the USA - $10
Rest of the World - $15

If the postage charged using this formula is higher than actual I will refund the difference via PayPal or apply a credit to the customer's next order.